quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015

Sebastião Salgado discovers the photographic work the best way to face the planetary events, especially in its economic aspects. By following this path that it turns into one of the leading and most revered today's photographers, photojournalism in the field. From the first moments he devoted himself to portray the excluded, those on the margins of society.
Adept of the photos in white-and-black, returned to Paris in 1973, then beginning its journey in this new profession. His first works were performed as 'free lance', approaching from the dry climate in the African Sahel perimeter of Niger, the European salaried workers. Sebastian spent by the leading picture agencies in Europe - the Gamma in 1974, recording images of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal; Sygma, 1975-1979, through which he moved through more than twenty countries, making the coverage of various events; Magnum Photos in 1979, cooperative established by Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson, among other photographers, which carried out the fantastic sequence of documentary photos on Latin American peasants, for seven years. This record has led to his first book, Other Americas, launched in 1986.

Frida chronicles the life Frida Kahlo shared unflinchingly and openly with Diego Rivera, as the young couple took the art world by storm. From her complex and enduring relationship with her mentor and husband to her illicit and controversial affair with Leon Trotsky, to her provocative and romantic entanglements with women, Frida Kahlo lived a bold and uncompromising life as a political, artistic, and sexual revolutionary.

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